RCL AAA 2037
League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
RAAA | TAAA : Stats & Leaders - Batting Register - Pitching Register - Fielding Register - Positional Leaderboards
Rookies - Drafted Players - Transactions Log - Injury Log
Sabino Acosta 2037-2050 595 1870 257 493 99 3 37 234 0 1 272 321 .264 .363 .379 .742
Bruce Allison 2037-2050 233 561 99 155 27 4 23 87 0 0 136 99 .276 .420 .462 .882
José Alomar 2037-2044 322 1109 192 345 57 11 50 212 74 15 73 198 .311 .362 .518 .879
Bryan Anson 2037-2042 526 2032 326 622 103 5 75 312 2 1 237 353 .306 .379 .472 .851
Jose Arriola 2037-2042 396 1292 186 316 60 16 14 113 42 29 246 342 .245 .369 .348 .717
Jason Barham 2037-2043 356 1106 159 290 59 6 38 171 3 0 200 214 .262 .378 .429 .808
Art Barker 2037-2044 576 2093 321 587 122 21 83 358 60 24 231 383 .280 .356 .478 .834
Rodney Beam 2037-2037 92 275 42 87 16 3 1 28 17 12 51 73 .316 .422 .407 .830
John Bidwell 2037-2042 332 929 146 252 35 9 16 99 35 21 133 184 .271 .367 .380 .747
Miguel Borrayo 2037-2042 532 1749 299 484 126 19 47 242 35 20 350 362 .277 .402 .451 .853
Bobby Bradshaw 2037-2044 277 964 150 283 41 5 37 163 33 25 123 210 .294 .379 .462 .840
James Briggs 2037-2038 70 271 27 85 17 3 0 38 16 14 26 24 .314 .373 .399 .772
Adam Butterfield 2037-2042 295 715 83 169 38 6 12 83 12 13 68 196 .236 .310 .357 .667
Reynaldo Carrillo 2037-2045 439 1459 179 375 77 2 41 191 1 0 131 297 .257 .319 .397 .716
Zhong-shu Chuang 2037-2042 81 212 38 70 14 0 9 30 0 0 17 49 .330 .382 .524 .906
Reilly Corkum 2037-2044 577 1763 232 493 101 2 54 236 0 1 147 239 .280 .333 .431 .764
Benito De Angelis 2037-2039 159 594 70 174 39 8 6 65 11 8 62 151 .293 .365 .416 .781
David Decker 2037-2046 388 1422 227 393 73 11 50 207 80 34 135 219 .276 .342 .449 .791
Matt DeMaria 2037-2044 434 1258 135 344 54 2 18 122 1 2 126 263 .273 .349 .362 .712
Alex Diaz 2037-2049 138 458 69 138 24 12 2 59 24 17 59 71 .301 .385 .419 .804
Yasuzo Doi 2037-2041 542 1873 324 502 47 20 83 246 88 64 388 423 .268 .394 .447 .841
Matt Drake 2037-2047 528 1925 339 604 113 7 96 394 14 5 226 325 .314 .386 .529 .916
Toshimitsu Epps 2037-2043 172 671 106 235 46 6 15 90 32 16 47 45 .350 .392 .504 .896
Antonio Fandino 2037-2041 316 937 127 249 56 8 14 115 52 9 81 153 .266 .329 .387 .717
Danny Fernandez 2037-2038 152 525 65 127 17 5 11 61 29 12 48 109 .242 .323 .356 .679
Brett Ferrell 2037-2051 457 1314 166 328 62 2 47 192 0 2 154 377 .250 .331 .407 .738
Felipe Gallegos 2037-2041 217 778 78 206 43 4 9 104 0 0 72 160 .265 .327 .365 .693
Brett Gardner 2037-2046 408 1323 204 465 64 26 10 149 74 27 62 73 .351 .383 .462 .845
Cesar Gutierrez 2037-2037 82 296 49 77 7 1 10 39 10 1 69 51 .260 .403 .392 .795
Rafael Gómez 2037-2047 571 1724 293 414 69 9 64 235 107 33 369 354 .240 .378 .402 .780
Willie Hayes 2037-2038 174 754 123 250 23 6 13 72 103 29 40 79 .332 .367 .430 .796
Scott Herrin 2037-2046 282 997 157 304 55 13 13 115 65 27 81 141 .305 .360 .425 .785
Aaron Hoffmann 2037-2049 510 1651 256 455 72 14 49 234 108 17 128 283 .276 .327 .425 .753
Zach Hopkins 2037-2043 468 1645 239 449 83 8 80 252 12 9 223 419 .273 .364 .479 .843
Victor Huaracha 2037-2047 344 1266 216 405 71 24 41 224 93 16 116 192 .320 .378 .511 .889
Jerry Jaeger 2037-2046 335 973 139 285 50 6 39 154 13 6 95 198 .293 .358 .477 .835
Jim Jameson 2037-2045 711 2245 337 660 87 20 67 341 99 29 180 366 .294 .348 .440 .788
Randy Jesso 2037-2039 297 1100 138 287 58 5 39 144 0 0 94 198 .261 .322 .429 .751
Gabe Jones 2037-2040 292 991 111 256 52 0 29 138 0 2 115 212 .258 .336 .399 .735
Takahiro Kato 2037-2045 565 1832 294 561 97 6 88 343 0 0 205 378 .306 .377 .510 .887
Burt Kavanagh 2037-2042 366 1355 215 359 84 2 77 246 2 2 200 325 .265 .359 .500 .859
Eric Kilpatrick 2037-2038 161 639 106 196 38 7 22 71 27 23 71 138 .307 .380 .491 .872
Kol-in-sen Koo 2037-2037 22 86 22 35 5 2 9 32 5 2 15 9 .407 .500 .826 1.326
Min-u Kym 2037-2045 429 1499 252 446 61 16 33 172 102 29 160 323 .298 .368 .426 .793
Zachary Long 2037-2046 445 1404 246 401 62 1 73 247 1 0 194 342 .286 .373 .487 .860
Cesar Lopez 2037-2042 186 634 78 180 34 6 7 89 34 17 33 125 .284 .319 .390 .709
Victor Manzo 2037-2046 750 2499 360 634 86 5 126 402 3 10 336 619 .254 .349 .443 .792
Mike Matheny 2037-2042 436 1434 214 394 90 2 63 250 2 2 201 289 .275 .363 .472 .835
José Medina 2037-2040 224 668 104 162 29 1 6 68 58 20 147 165 .243 .380 .316 .696
Joel Moroney 2037-2042 588 2281 349 672 101 20 86 306 93 48 140 360 .295 .346 .470 .816
Walt Muller 2037-2044 205 754 124 217 47 4 24 116 10 9 125 164 .288 .391 .456 .847
Alberto Murillo 2037-2049 181 678 59 172 44 5 13 70 4 6 55 184 .254 .311 .391 .702
Kaiji Nagata 2037-2037 12 48 8 16 5 0 4 13 1 0 3 10 .333 .373 .688 1.060
Senta Nakano 2037-2047 983 3386 521 1005 175 10 167 642 5 3 430 645 .297 .379 .502 .881
Antonio Navarrette 2037-2050 251 816 139 225 43 3 50 166 4 1 103 148 .276 .362 .520 .882
Kiyonori Ogura 2037-2041 353 1206 177 338 74 11 51 193 7 10 140 298 .280 .358 .487 .844
Carlos Orozco 2037-2039 247 842 115 255 44 5 12 105 78 12 47 175 .303 .347 .410 .757
Jorge Ortega 2037-2052 220 905 159 308 43 12 11 96 106 29 72 93 .340 .388 .451 .839
Willis Ortiz 2037-2040 380 1338 248 440 91 10 28 160 27 15 302 204 .329 .451 .475 .925
Kevin Parry 2037-2044 145 556 84 181 30 0 36 112 0 1 72 79 .326 .405 .574 .979
Tommie Parsons 2037-2045 662 2111 291 587 100 9 89 347 30 15 156 385 .278 .333 .460 .794
David Perez 2037-2037 126 546 94 169 26 8 2 39 49 16 59 102 .310 .377 .397 .774
Alberto Preciado 2037-2047 610 2241 301 651 96 25 39 268 45 43 243 335 .290 .359 .408 .767
Daniel Pumarejo 2037-2047 1252 4874 708 1327 234 9 248 866 0 2 456 943 .272 .335 .477 .811
Mario Rios 2037-2044 158 327 40 82 14 1 1 28 27 10 39 66 .251 .336 .309 .645
Ray Roberts 2037-2043 382 1137 156 335 77 1 38 192 0 0 120 190 .295 .364 .464 .828
Tomas Robles 2037-2045 722 2153 429 570 140 5 114 412 3 0 584 664 .265 .422 .493 .916
Mike Rocha 2037-2046 232 668 93 180 35 2 21 96 0 0 90 155 .269 .357 .422 .779
Danny Solis 2037-2038 248 921 113 278 59 5 16 97 7 1 49 88 .302 .341 .429 .770
Dave Sorensen 2037-2044 304 939 129 264 39 5 15 120 22 18 104 179 .281 .355 .381 .736
Randy Stackhouse 2037-2045 609 2346 337 635 139 6 102 384 2 3 254 524 .271 .343 .465 .809
Eddie Steele 2037-2037 37 155 12 41 8 2 7 23 3 3 8 34 .265 .309 .477 .787
Andrew Stenger 2037-2045 845 3283 514 1057 113 25 83 377 339 79 183 548 .322 .361 .447 .808
Danny Stone 2037-2037 141 531 81 156 33 1 21 89 2 1 58 122 .294 .370 .478 .848
Hyo-chin Suk 2037-2047 591 2083 352 610 139 9 82 345 3 7 378 525 .293 .407 .486 .893
Matt Sullivan 2037-2041 514 1683 226 488 85 4 72 268 9 3 184 289 .290 .364 .474 .838
Hikuleo Tai'mani 2037-2046 761 2929 480 1015 221 8 135 577 2 1 305 518 .347 .408 .566 .974
Aaron Tarter 2037-2039 325 1279 201 364 70 9 43 173 65 37 120 282 .285 .347 .454 .801
Jeff Urban 2037-2046 690 2265 328 683 121 27 42 296 179 83 113 381 .302 .334 .434 .769
Tony Uribe 2037-2046 760 2297 343 573 117 3 39 302 3 0 643 681 .249 .417 .354 .771
Gideon Vaillancourt 2037-2050 118 423 64 125 24 3 16 56 14 11 62 89 .296 .402 .480 .881
Jaime Valéncia 2037-2044 605 1930 244 413 74 3 45 234 4 2 293 531 .214 .323 .325 .648
Fernando Vela 2037-2037 57 177 38 54 15 0 4 39 6 2 29 35 .305 .406 .458 .863
Alex Villalobos 2037-2038 86 309 42 75 8 6 11 41 12 5 33 76 .243 .331 .414 .746
Juan Villanueva 2037-2047 828 2886 601 784 160 16 40 383 95 34 902 616 .272 .448 .380 .828
Chris Whatley 2037-2043 553 2021 341 610 124 15 60 315 118 43 231 323 .302 .380 .467 .847
Rob Wiegand 2037-2044 169 590 92 180 31 3 18 90 10 3 62 120 .305 .371 .459 .831
Dustin Williams 2037-2039 224 662 98 155 38 4 31 82 2 2 104 152 .234 .346 .444 .790
Doug Wilson 2037-2045 579 2060 218 477 115 2 51 246 0 0 203 564 .232 .302 .364 .666
Ric Witkoski 2037-2042 406 1478 237 383 74 15 41 185 84 30 197 358 .259 .348 .413 .761
Keisaku Yamashita 2037-2038 74 289 46 100 16 1 10 46 0 0 23 37 .346 .398 .512 .910
Tony Aaron 2037-2045 47 47 .500 5.71 163 124 3 0 0 815.1 1072 517 96 298 493
Justin Adler 2037-2037 1 2 .333 2.70 4 4 2 0 0 30.0 26 9 2 11 20
David Araujo 2037-2038 12 17 .414 4.13 44 44 2 2 0 265.2 256 122 25 93 184
Henry Baker 2037-2047 40 37 .519 5.26 117 95 7 2 0 658.2 766 385 64 319 462
Donald Barron 2037-2038 1 1 .500 1.45 29 0 0 0 10 37.1 26 6 0 15 44
Juan Bojorques 2037-2042 6 11 .353 5.38 51 27 0 0 1 209.0 228 125 34 89 183
Lance Bundy 2037-2040 8 6 .571 5.02 16 16 1 1 0 89.2 96 50 8 29 73
Nick Burdette 2037-2042 36 74 .327 6.13 188 145 14 3 5 960.2 1195 654 137 501 600
Carlos Carballo 2037-2048 63 51 .553 4.35 231 140 5 0 4 972.2 1128 470 110 254 665
Ricardo Castillo 2037-2047 16 24 .400 5.08 252 0 0 0 22 342.0 343 193 52 241 325
Kyung-soo Cheon 2037-2043 30 20 .600 4.36 70 70 4 1 0 431.2 458 209 58 185 369
Brian Christ 2037-2041 18 30 .375 6.11 111 65 0 0 2 387.1 472 263 55 242 293
Bob Clayton 2037-2042 11 8 .579 3.49 82 0 0 0 10 113.1 114 44 14 74 116
Jim Clemons 2037-2043 10 13 .435 4.29 124 0 0 0 23 232.2 240 111 24 114 201
Chris Coady 2037-2045 9 15 .375 3.26 115 2 0 0 25 160.1 154 58 7 68 163
Tony Colunga 2037-2040 7 9 .438 6.19 61 19 0 0 0 170.0 218 117 20 91 107
Eddy Compres 2037-2044 13 6 .684 4.34 38 27 0 0 0 159.2 172 77 11 58 98
Gary Compton 2037-2043 57 65 .467 5.17 263 143 0 0 5 1098.2 1281 631 140 456 803
Matt Comrie 2037-2043 4 0 1.000 2.28 46 0 0 0 8 47.1 38 12 5 21 52
Chris Costello 2037-2045 64 47 .577 4.83 236 184 1 0 1 1100.0 1358 590 104 285 705
Lance Crumpton 2037-2042 45 35 .562 4.07 147 116 0 0 3 683.2 688 309 55 299 487
Jalen DePass 2037-2039 3 6 .333 3.83 102 0 0 0 30 80.0 72 34 10 50 140
Alberto Dimas 2037-2045 53 27 .662 4.04 107 106 15 2 0 705.2 747 317 68 192 468
Chris Dodrill 2037-2046 33 25 .569 4.91 169 85 0 0 0 589.2 626 322 51 339 521
Austin Drake 2037-2042 16 19 .457 3.64 266 0 0 0 65 235.0 234 95 21 86 241
Alejandro Fernandez 2037-2046 16 29 .356 5.34 71 65 4 0 0 413.0 505 245 51 174 288
Juan Figueroa 2037-2044 9 2 .818 3.61 21 21 0 0 0 97.1 75 39 16 39 123
Chad Flam 2037-2041 12 11 .522 4.36 91 0 0 0 25 119.2 125 58 18 48 141
Erik Fletcher 2037-2041 24 14 .632 4.26 71 53 0 0 1 342.1 328 162 44 150 287
Dave Francisco 2037-2044 56 66 .459 4.98 271 132 18 2 5 1047.1 1048 579 142 630 1100
A.J. Galloway 2037-2043 18 13 .581 4.60 155 0 0 0 7 240.2 243 123 44 90 207
Jimmy Gregus 2037-2039 8 17 .320 5.43 125 0 0 0 43 104.1 103 63 13 52 114
David Guyer 2037-2042 6 9 .400 4.40 89 0 0 0 34 94.0 90 46 5 56 92
C.J. Harnack 2037-2037 0 3 .000 2.59 47 0 0 0 23 55.2 35 16 4 29 61
Zack Hendricks 2037-2041 2 0 1.000 3.15 21 0 0 0 3 20.0 15 7 2 11 27
Adam Hirsch 2037-2041 31 28 .525 5.08 93 71 0 0 1 476.1 552 269 59 209 350
Zack Hogan 2037-2045 15 9 .625 4.26 62 32 0 0 1 245.0 249 116 25 102 257
T.J. Hurd 2037-2037 2 0 1.000 1.61 8 0 0 0 1 22.1 12 4 1 9 30
Gabe Inoa 2037-2044 3 5 .375 5.79 40 4 0 0 2 87.0 91 56 12 60 100
Ben Jeffcoat 2037-2047 1 7 .125 4.37 53 2 0 0 10 80.1 79 39 6 45 65
Brett Johnson 2037-2047 58 121 .324 6.24 304 286 1 0 2 1502.2 1818 1042 231 747 1097
Mike Johnson 2037-2048 50 57 .467 8.43 642 11 0 0 37 972.1 1421 911 203 561 798
Jared Jones 2037-2042 11 6 .647 2.08 104 0 0 0 20 143.0 106 33 9 62 152
Troy King 2037-2048 20 22 .476 4.37 270 3 0 0 77 360.2 359 175 33 188 314
Lien-ying Mar 2037-2037 6 3 .667 4.46 49 0 0 0 6 74.2 84 37 10 45 72
Ismael Mejia 2037-2037 0 0 .000 0.00 2 0 0 0 0 5.2 4 0 0 0 3
Ted Mengel 2037-2050 39 22 .639 4.46 120 77 5 1 1 541.1 528 268 78 190 464
Jose Montalvo 2037-2046 25 60 .294 5.90 202 185 7 0 1 895.0 1167 587 132 352 691
Katsumi Nakata 2037-2043 5 9 .357 4.86 34 15 0 0 2 100.0 103 54 8 55 90
Tatsuma Okura 2037-2045 28 12 .700 4.34 275 3 0 0 15 566.1 538 273 67 304 639
Tim Oliver 2037-2046 51 75 .405 5.39 246 189 0 0 0 1144.2 1381 685 168 412 844
Yoon-tae Pack 2037-2048 25 33 .431 4.72 239 15 2 0 71 343.0 402 180 40 146 259
Travis Panhorst 2037-2041 24 24 .500 4.95 72 61 1 0 1 396.1 438 218 56 170 361
David Peralta 2037-2045 13 24 .351 4.39 76 72 0 0 2 397.2 394 194 62 168 367
Juan Polonia 2037-2041 23 21 .523 6.10 216 1 0 0 11 375.0 411 254 61 240 418
Sandy Ponce 2037-2043 8 11 .421 5.08 81 18 2 0 0 161.1 190 91 16 73 148
Zai-shuo Qu 2037-2044 12 10 .545 4.59 162 10 0 0 13 259.0 304 132 23 112 200
Moises Ramirez 2037-2038 1 1 .500 1.60 29 0 0 0 1 50.2 35 9 5 24 65
Jose Rios 2037-2041 3 20 .130 8.55 44 44 0 0 0 166.1 236 158 21 175 112
Tony Rivera 2037-2042 30 31 .492 4.56 110 90 0 0 1 513.2 546 260 71 184 392
Jose Robles 2037-2048 8 10 .444 4.35 81 3 2 0 28 107.2 102 52 18 60 122
Matt Rogers 2037-2039 0 1 .000 6.04 24 5 0 0 2 25.1 23 17 6 16 31
Zachary Royster 2037-2051 7 10 .412 2.80 85 0 0 0 43 96.1 80 30 10 32 122
Rob Saffioti 2037-2037 6 1 .857 5.05 25 0 0 0 1 46.1 53 26 2 11 35
Cole Sanford 2037-2041 10 11 .476 3.48 48 42 1 1 0 217.1 183 84 16 135 226
Mike Sapienza 2037-2045 27 44 .380 4.98 110 106 6 1 0 586.0 645 324 59 296 454
Jim Shelby 2037-2047 48 47 .505 4.70 297 84 1 0 15 855.2 940 447 108 385 770
Jeff Shue 2037-2043 14 22 .389 5.15 199 2 0 0 15 274.1 361 157 31 154 202
Atsuya Suda 2037-2045 21 20 .512 4.06 259 0 0 0 103 301.2 295 136 20 116 250
Adam Sullivan 2037-2045 30 34 .469 5.02 141 87 7 3 5 635.0 686 354 126 143 533
Eddie Taveras 2037-2049 10 12 .455 4.04 41 41 0 0 0 223.0 225 100 32 67 271
Gavin Taylor 2037-2040 30 23 .566 3.96 85 75 3 2 0 472.2 465 208 54 177 424
Darren Thomas 2037-2040 6 6 .500 2.99 107 0 0 0 42 96.1 96 32 10 38 103
Julio Uribe 2037-2045 25 22 .532 4.26 283 0 0 0 32 357.0 376 169 23 179 305
Lodewijk van de Wetering 2037-2045 9 15 .375 4.19 48 41 2 0 0 243.0 274 113 15 93 166
Lonnie Van Zant 2037-2052 10 5 .667 2.78 27 27 0 0 0 149.0 125 46 7 42 138
Kasey Vanderberg 2037-2037 0 0 .000 7.71 16 0 0 0 0 14.0 16 12 2 11 9
Ryan Vandervelde 2037-2037 1 1 .500 2.08 3 3 1 0 0 21.2 23 5 2 8 7
Rich Virola 2037-2050 10 17 .370 6.67 47 32 1 0 1 186.1 207 138 22 145 176
Preston Williams 2037-2043 7 10 .412 4.65 86 0 0 0 15 112.1 112 58 18 53 107
Kirk Winman 2037-2049 48 43 .527 4.10 490 0 0 0 160 588.0 608 268 60 288 531
Curtis Wood 2037-2040 11 10 .524 3.78 99 4 0 0 30 159.2 160 67 19 63 144
173 Players
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