League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
Index | Leaders
Manager Years From-To G W L WPct Best Finish Worst Finish Playoff App Championships
Francisco Aguilar 11 2012-2022 1782 907 875 .509 1st 6th 2 0
Diego Aguirre 5 2034-2039 790 425 365 .538 1st 4th 2 0
Fred Alder 2 2025-2026 219 112 107 .511 4th 4th 0 0
Bob Alexander 2 2046-2047 324 72 252 .222 6th 6th 0 0
Jesús Alfaro 13 2012-2018 1134 614 520 .541 1st 6th 3 1
Rod Allen 1 2037-2037 162 79 83 .488 3rd 3rd 0 0
José Alonzo 5 2032-2033 314 138 176 .439 3rd 6th 0 0
Gary Altman 9 2012-2034 1162 691 471 .595 1st 4th 4 1
Brad Anderson 4 2028-2031 648 354 294 .546 1st 6th 1 0
Chris Anderson 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
António Andrés 5 2012-2016 810 438 372 .541 1st 6th 1 1
David Araujo 4 2053-2058 648 312 336 .481 2nd 6th 0 0
Eduardo Arellano 5 2015-2019 810 370 440 .457 3rd 6th 0 0
Daniel Arnaud 3 2056-2058 486 216 270 .444 6th 7th 0 0
Michael Ashe 4 2019-2022 648 305 343 .471 2nd 5th 0 0
Okitsugu Azuma 5 2025-2029 574 282 292 .491 3rd 6th 0 0
Giovanni Bagliani 2 2047-2048 324 172 152 .531 1st 3rd 1 0
Karl Baker 8 2015-2021 972 495 477 .509 1st 5th 1 0
Warren Barnes 1 2025-2025 150 47 103 .313 6th 6th 0 0
Jeff Barr 4 2047-2050 648 365 283 .563 1st 3rd 2 2
Hervé Barthélémy 14 2028-2044 2208 1274 934 .577 1st 6th 8 1
Will Bartlett 5 2050-2054 810 379 431 .468 4th 6th 0 0
Brett Beck 1 2052-2052 162 66 96 .407 5th 5th 0 0
Todd Belcher 4 2041-2049 648 333 315 .514 1st 5th 1 1
Cal Bell 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Mike Bergeron 2 2045-2046 162 77 85 .475 2nd 4th 0 0
Paul Bernard 2 2053-2054 324 150 174 .463 6th 6th 0 0
Rudy Bernier 1 2029-2029 162 61 101 .377 7th 7th 0 0
Carl Best 6 2025-2031 692 376 316 .543 1st 3rd 3 1
Alim bin Umar 1 2058-2058 162 92 70 .568 1st 1st 1 0
Ryan Blandford 2 2024-2025 286 128 158 .448 5th 6th 0 0
Frédéric Blin 3 2018-2020 486 240 246 .494 2nd 6th 0 0
Barry Bowman 7 2012-2028 972 488 484 .502 1st 4th 0 0
Chris Brading 7 2030-2036 1134 535 599 .472 1st 6th 1 0
Daniel Breuer 15 2044-2058 2340 1212 1128 .518 1st 6th 1 0
Wilfred Brooks 1 2038-2038 162 76 86 .469 4th 4th 0 0
Cohen Brouillette 2 2039-2040 324 160 164 .494 3rd 5th 0 0
Dave Brown 3 2012-2014 486 221 265 .455 4th 5th 0 0
Nick Browning 5 2025-2028 647 311 336 .481 2nd 6th 0 0
Tyler Bulman 2 2057-2058 324 162 162 .500 2nd 6th 0 0
John Burch 1 2023-2023 130 47 83 .362 6th 6th 0 0
Ronald Burnett 7 2014-2018 648 323 325 .498 3rd 5th 0 0
Eric Cameron 2 2020-2020 162 97 65 .599 1st 1st 1 0
Brett Campbell 7 2012-2022 486 264 222 .543 1st 5th 1 1
Julián Cancil 5 2025-2033 497 221 276 .445 4th 6th 0 0
Stanley Cannon 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Chris Carpenter 3 2028-2030 486 261 225 .537 1st 4th 1 0
Ed Carpenter 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Rafael Castillo 4 2022-2025 648 350 298 .540 1st 6th 1 0
Nobuharu Chikafuji 12 2024-2042 1944 935 1009 .481 2nd 6th 0 0
Rick Childress 2 2057-2058 168 91 77 .542 1st 2nd 1 0
Garfield Christian 3 2027-2029 486 280 206 .576 1st 3rd 2 0
António Chávez 2 2028-2029 324 135 189 .417 7th 7th 0 0
Jason Clark 4 2012-2028 486 194 292 .399 1st 7th 0 0
Rich Clark 3 2023-2030 324 164 160 .506 1st 4th 0 0
Norm Cobb 4 2042-2045 648 253 395 .390 4th 6th 0 0
Max Collins 4 2017-2020 648 330 318 .509 1st 6th 1 0
Corey Conway 4 2021-2024 648 330 318 .509 1st 5th 1 0
John Cook 1 2041-2041 162 84 78 .519 2nd 2nd 0 0
Gary Corwin 6 2043-2048 812 416 396 .512 1st 6th 1 0
Bob Costas 7 2054-2058 810 375 435 .463 3rd 7th 0 0
Javier Cox 3 2048-2050 486 224 262 .461 4th 6th 0 0
Jim Crawford 6 2034-2043 807 460 347 .570 1st 3rd 1 0
Vincent Crockett 1 2035-2035 0 0 0 .000 4th 4th 0 0
Jon Crowe 5 2034-2040 810 386 424 .477 2nd 6th 0 0
Dallas Crowley 4 2043-2046 580 253 327 .436 4th 6th 0 0
Sean Davidson 1 2038-2038 162 63 99 .389 6th 6th 0 0
Ryan Davis 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Miguel de la Rosa 5 2051-2055 810 430 380 .531 1st 7th 1 1
Wynn Decker 4 2036-2039 648 310 338 .478 2nd 6th 0 0
Willy Delhaye 2 2015-2027 324 154 170 .475 3rd 6th 0 0
Bill DesMarais 5 2054-2058 810 404 406 .499 2nd 7th 0 0
Gregg Dickerson 2 2012-2013 324 169 155 .522 1st 6th 1 0
Daniel Dillon 1 2047-2047 90 44 46 .489 5th 5th 0 0
Walt Dobson 9 2031-2036 972 506 466 .521 1st 6th 2 0
Bob Doss 2 2054-2055 324 173 151 .534 2nd 3rd 0 0
Mitchell Drover 6 2023-2028 973 545 428 .560 1st 4th 3 1
Jaime Díaz 3 2014-2016 324 165 159 .509 2nd 5th 0 0
Vic Eassson 3 2043-2044 203 110 93 .542 1st 3rd 0 0
Sam Eaton 5 2019-2023 811 393 418 .485 2nd 5th 0 0
Jack English 5 2039-2040 324 162 162 .500 4th 5th 0 0
Jim Fernández 6 2033-2038 974 424 550 .435 2nd 6th 0 0
Eduardo Flores 1 2040-2040 162 76 86 .469 4th 4th 0 0
José Flores 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Julián Flores 6 2024-2029 972 587 385 .604 1st 3rd 4 3
Quincy Fraley 1 2022-2022 162 67 95 .414 5th 5th 0 0
Andy Franklin 4 2027-2027 162 76 86 .469 4th 4th 0 0
Mathew Fritz 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Steve Fuhrman 10 2013-2025 1620 770 850 .475 1st 6th 1 0
Shunso Fukuda 1 2050-2050 162 66 96 .407 5th 5th 0 0
Toin Furukawa 7 2012-2029 1134 678 456 .598 1st 5th 4 3
Jacob Gaines 2 2016-2029 230 129 101 .561 1st 4th 1 0
Phil Gardner 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Alexis Garrett 6 2052-2057 907 489 418 .539 1st 5th 0 0
Loren Garrison 2 2034-2035 324 176 148 .543 3rd 3rd 0 0
José Garza 4 2017-2020 648 316 332 .488 2nd 6th 0 0
Kane Genge 3 2012-2014 486 224 262 .461 4th 5th 0 0
Derrick Gilmore 2 2019-2020 324 171 153 .528 2nd 4th 0 0
Edgardo Gonzáles 5 2036-2039 648 374 274 .577 1st 2nd 3 1
Jorge Gonzáles 9 2036-2048 1135 634 501 .559 1st 4th 4 0
Pedro Gonzáles 6 2040-2051 972 493 479 .507 1st 6th 2 0
Ernie Goslin 4 2012-2031 648 334 314 .515 1st 6th 2 0
Zi-jun Gou 6 2053-2058 973 483 490 .496 1st 7th 1 1
Ron Goyer 3 2018-2020 486 224 262 .461 4th 5th 0 0
Jeffrey Graham 8 2027-2034 1268 584 684 .461 3rd 6th 0 0
Cal Gray 3 2016-2018 486 228 258 .469 4th 5th 0 0
Ken Green 9 2021-2025 164 83 81 .506 3rd 4th 0 0
John Greenwood 4 2035-2038 487 265 222 .544 1st 2nd 3 0
Ramón Guerrero 1 2029-2029 72 28 44 .389 6th 6th 0 0
Jean-François Guiot 4 2012-2015 648 316 332 .488 3rd 5th 0 0
Jesús Gálvez 8 2015-2022 1296 682 614 .526 1st 6th 4 1
Allen Hahn 7 2014-2027 648 328 320 .506 2nd 6th 0 0
Caleb Haley 1 2032-2032 0 0 0 .000 6th 6th 0 0
Arslan Halit 3 2051-2053 486 245 241 .504 2nd 6th 0 0
Alan Hall 4 2014-2017 648 344 304 .531 1st 5th 1 0
Yataro Hamada 3 2034-2036 324 134 190 .414 5th 6th 0 0
Chris Hammond 12 2047-2058 1945 1060 885 .545 1st 5th 1 0
Lou Hampton 2 2032-2032 162 85 77 .525 2nd 2nd 0 0
Ronnie Hampton 3 2026-2028 458 232 226 .507 1st 7th 1 0
Steve Hansen 12 2014-2024 1782 945 837 .530 1st 6th 2 0
Joe Hardy 5 2054-2058 810 399 411 .493 1st 7th 1 0
Kao-tsu Hark 20 2039-2058 3190 1437 1753 .450 1st 7th 0 0
Dave Harris 6 2012-2025 143 73 70 .510 1st 3rd 0 0
Nathan Harris 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
John Harrison 10 2012-2032 1459 827 632 .567 1st 4th 1 0
Jordan Hay 2 2057-2058 325 172 153 .529 1st 2nd 1 0
Sam Henderson 3 2047-2049 395 220 175 .557 1st 3rd 1 0
Alex Hensley 7 2020-2029 1134 542 592 .478 1st 6th 1 0
Mark Herbert 6 2014-2025 747 367 380 .491 1st 6th 1 0
Dave Hill 1 2046-2046 102 44 58 .431 5th 5th 0 0
Dae-il Ho 9 2050-2058 1461 764 697 .523 1st 4th 1 0
Robby Holland 1 2018-2018 162 57 105 .352 6th 6th 0 0
Jon Hughes 7 2037-2057 998 478 520 .479 2nd 7th 0 0
Thomas Hughes 8 2054-2058 810 430 380 .531 1st 4th 1 0
Richard Hutchesson 12 2012-2026 1944 985 959 .507 1st 5th 2 0
Michel Hérault 1 2026-2026 162 65 97 .401 7th 7th 0 0
Keith Irwin 6 2025-2030 972 520 452 .535 1st 5th 1 0
Sen Iwasaki 8 2014-2021 1296 650 646 .502 3rd 6th 0 0
Chance Jackson 7 2023-2036 1135 611 524 .538 1st 6th 3 1
Neal Jackson 2 2023-2024 324 161 163 .497 3rd 5th 0 0
Bernard Jacq 9 2025-2038 1246 602 644 .483 2nd 6th 0 0
Bill Jenkins 11 2026-2027 324 133 191 .410 5th 7th 0 0
Ron Jeremy 6 2053-2058 972 481 491 .495 1st 6th 1 1
Brad Johnson 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Marc Johnston 2 2015-2016 324 148 176 .457 3rd 6th 0 0
Dan Jones 8 2025-2032 1296 641 655 .495 2nd 6th 0 0
Darrell Jones 1 2030-2030 0 0 0 .000 2nd 2nd 0 0
John Justin 5 2032-2036 811 454 357 .560 1st 3rd 3 2
Takanori Kanno 8 2012-2019 1296 691 605 .533 1st 6th 2 1
Duncan Kelly 1 2030-2030 0 0 0 .000 2nd 2nd 0 0
Peter Klein 3 2027-2027 162 62 100 .383 7th 7th 0 0
Tom Klein 11 2033-2049 1569 813 756 .518 1st 6th 1 1
Jeremy Lake 1 2032-2032 162 71 91 .438 5th 5th 0 0
Terry Larocque 10 2015-2019 162 59 103 .364 1st 6th 0 0
Tim Law 2 2022-2023 324 173 151 .534 1st 5th 1 1
Richard Lawson 9 2042-2050 1303 703 600 .540 1st 6th 3 0
Pete Lenihan 6 2012-2024 972 450 522 .463 1st 6th 0 0
George Alexander Lewis 2 2034-2035 111 48 63 .432 6th 6th 0 0
Raúl Luna 1 2031-2031 162 79 83 .488 4th 4th 0 0
Bobby Lupkoski 4 2015-2018 648 343 305 .529 2nd 5th 0 0
Dani López 1 2051-2051 162 86 76 .531 4th 4th 0 0
Pablo López 8 2012-2026 1134 538 596 .474 2nd 7th 0 0
Salvador López 1 2033-2033 144 60 84 .417 6th 6th 0 0
Chris MacArtney 3 2027-2029 324 158 166 .488 4th 6th 0 0
Lucas MacGruder 3 2029-2031 487 245 242 .503 1st 6th 1 0
Jorge Magana 12 2034-2045 1944 1007 937 .518 1st 6th 2 0
Blake Malone 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Tyrone Marquand 6 2012-2021 324 125 199 .386 1st 6th 0 0
José Marroquín 1 2030-2030 0 0 0 .000 5th 5th 0 0
Bill Martin 2 2034-2035 324 195 129 .602 1st 2nd 1 0
Danny Martin 1 2029-2029 162 79 83 .488 5th 5th 0 0
Roberto Martínez 17 2030-2042 2099 986 1113 .470 2nd 6th 0 0
Ángel Martínez 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
José Marés 3 2012-2014 486 237 249 .488 2nd 5th 0 0
Joe Maxwell 3 2012-2014 449 210 239 .468 3rd 6th 0 0
Pedro Medina 3 2058-2058 163 87 76 .534 2nd 2nd 0 0
Chris Miles 1 2017-2017 162 87 75 .537 1st 1st 1 0
Bob Miller 1 2025-2025 118 63 55 .534 2nd 2nd 0 0
Bobby Miller 1 2028-2028 1 1 0 1.000 5th 5th 0 0
Shawn Mitchell 4 2022-2025 648 278 370 .429 2nd 6th 0 0
Juan Montés 7 2052-2058 1134 587 547 .518 1st 6th 2 0
Brian Moore 4 2038-2041 581 317 264 .546 1st 5th 1 0
Jorge Morales 5 2021-2030 707 394 313 .557 1st 6th 2 0
Greg Morgan 2 2032-2033 305 144 161 .472 4th 5th 0 0
Henry Morse 2 2031-2032 181 90 91 .497 3rd 3rd 0 0
Tom Morton 2 2033-2034 189 100 89 .529 2nd 5th 0 0
Jesús Morán 10 2049-2058 1536 846 690 .551 1st 6th 3 1
Robert Murray 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Arinori Nakamura 6 2021-2033 915 486 429 .531 1st 4th 1 0
Maresuke Nakashima 7 2012-2018 1134 559 575 .493 3rd 6th 0 0
Michael Nardone 1 2023-2023 162 77 85 .475 5th 5th 0 0
Steve Nolan 7 2019-2026 1134 592 542 .522 1st 5th 2 1
Lúcio Nájera 3 2055-2057 460 197 263 .428 7th 7th 0 0
Roberto Núñez 3 2020-2031 324 164 160 .506 1st 6th 1 0
Tom O'Gorman 4 2012-2014 486 210 276 .432 5th 6th 0 0
Nick O'Keefe 4 2034-2037 513 231 282 .450 4th 6th 0 0
Kenshin Ogawa 3 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Shigetaka Ohayashi 2 2033-2034 247 111 136 .449 4th 6th 0 0
Armando Ortíz 2 2026-2027 324 145 179 .448 5th 7th 0 0
Félix Ortíz 3 2049-2050 324 126 198 .389 4th 6th 0 0
Weston Papenfuss 8 2029-2033 648 321 327 .495 2nd 6th 0 0
David Parker 2 2032-2033 325 159 166 .489 1st 4th 1 0
José Parra 13 2026-2048 1944 972 972 .500 1st 6th 1 1
Rob Penn 2 2028-2029 168 66 102 .393 2nd 7th 0 0
Mario Perez 12 2032-2044 1944 1006 938 .517 1st 5th 1 1
John Perry 2 2032-2033 180 85 95 .472 5th 5th 0 0
Chris Peters 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Daniel Petro 3 2056-2058 487 235 252 .483 1st 7th 1 0
Dale Pierce 4 2033-2033 162 76 86 .469 3rd 3rd 0 0
Larry Pittman 3 2027-2029 486 210 276 .432 6th 7th 0 0
Ramón Pérez 9 2027-2027 162 84 78 .519 5th 5th 0 0
Garry Rabenek 5 2054-2058 810 359 451 .443 4th 7th 0 0
Casey Ramey 1 2035-2035 162 81 81 .500 3rd 3rd 0 0
Enrique Ramírez 5 2034-2035 183 83 100 .454 4th 5th 0 0
Fernando Ramírez 6 2037-2050 893 389 504 .436 3rd 6th 0 0
Rodger Raymond 4 2016-2029 487 212 275 .435 1st 7th 1 0
Steve Reed 2 2012-2013 324 134 190 .414 6th 6th 0 0
Curt Rhodes 5 2045-2049 810 441 369 .544 1st 4th 2 1
Shizue Rin 1 2012-2012 37 13 24 .351 6th 6th 0 0
Bill Riordan 8 2020-2033 725 377 348 .520 1st 6th 1 0
Gabriel Rivera 2 2027-2027 162 88 74 .543 4th 4th 0 0
Ramón Rivera 5 2043-2047 724 323 401 .446 3rd 6th 0 0
Tom Robertson 12 2033-2047 1944 995 949 .512 1st 6th 2 0
Claudio Rojas 6 2026-2028 486 202 284 .416 6th 7th 0 0
Mario Rosado 2 2014-2014 162 91 71 .562 1st 1st 1 0
Larry Ross 1 2029-2029 162 60 102 .370 7th 7th 0 0
Ramón Rosário 5 2030-2034 810 352 458 .435 4th 6th 0 0
Jerry Russell 2 2028-2029 324 160 164 .494 5th 5th 0 0
Kagehisa Saikawa 5 2051-2055 812 483 329 .595 1st 2nd 4 1
Armando Santiago 1 2030-2030 54 29 25 .537 2nd 2nd 0 0
Labib Sarahani 3 2056-2058 486 217 269 .447 4th 7th 0 0
Chris Schell 4 2013-2045 486 231 255 .475 1st 5th 0 0
Ed Schofield 7 2024-2030 972 448 524 .461 2nd 6th 0 0
José Serrano 1 2043-2043 162 96 66 .593 1st 1st 1 0
Juan Carlos Serrano 2 2030-2031 324 143 181 .441 5th 5th 0 0
Chris Sexton 6 2012-2023 828 409 419 .494 1st 5th 1 0
Kiyomori Shimizu 3 2038-2040 324 142 182 .438 4th 6th 0 0
Lonny Silander 7 2013-2019 1134 604 530 .533 1st 5th 2 1
John Smiley 3 2030-2032 486 323 163 .665 1st 1st 3 2
Brian Smith 2 2041-2042 162 85 77 .525 3rd 6th 0 0
Carl Smith 3 2032-2032 107 45 62 .421 6th 6th 0 0
Phillip Smith 3 2039-2041 324 162 162 .500 1st 4th 0 0
Clement Snow 8 2018-2033 810 420 390 .519 1st 5th 1 1
Ken Stanley 1 2018-2018 162 78 84 .481 5th 5th 0 0
Dirk Stewart 6 2013-2024 810 422 388 .521 1st 6th 2 0
Charlie Sutton 3 2044-2046 445 218 227 .490 3rd 4th 0 0
Rob Swain 3 2019-2021 486 230 256 .473 2nd 5th 0 0
Kendrick Sweetapple 5 2013-2021 657 293 364 .446 4th 6th 0 0
Luis Sánchez 7 2052-2058 1135 586 549 .516 1st 7th 2 1
Yoshihiro Takahashi 8 2051-2058 1296 703 593 .542 1st 5th 4 1
Naofumi Tanaka 1 2058-2058 84 42 42 .500 6th 6th 0 0
Ramón Tavárez 2 2045-2046 325 177 148 .545 1st 2nd 1 1
Joe Taylor 3 2051-2053 487 250 237 .513 2nd 5th 0 0
Ben Teague 5 2022-2024 486 248 238 .510 3rd 3rd 0 0
Katsuyoshi Tenno 3 2020-2037 486 209 277 .430 2nd 6th 0 0
Darren Thomas 4 2055-2058 648 336 312 .519 2nd 6th 0 0
Ramón Torrez 5 2035-2039 810 421 389 .520 2nd 5th 0 0
Germán Tovar 7 2040-2046 1135 682 453 .601 1st 2nd 6 3
Jorge Tovar 10 2048-2057 1621 844 777 .521 2nd 5th 0 0
Anthony Travis 4 2022-2024 486 235 251 .484 2nd 4th 0 0
Luther Trebilcock 1 2029-2029 162 66 96 .407 6th 6th 0 0
Jorge Valdéz 5 2012-2024 810 384 426 .474 2nd 6th 0 0
Johnny Vallance 5 2043-2047 611 358 253 .586 1st 3rd 4 0
Eduardo Varerla 2 2046-2047 228 117 111 .513 4th 6th 0 0
Cristóbal Vargas 1 2012-2012 0 0 0 .000 1st 1st 0 0
Fernando Vargas 3 2028-2030 486 244 242 .502 3rd 6th 0 0
Pedro Vazquez 2 2057-2058 324 168 156 .519 3rd 5th 0 0
Jorge Velásquez 1 2028-2028 162 80 82 .494 4th 4th 0 0
Reynaldo Vázquez 1 2012-2012 162 78 84 .481 4th 4th 0 0
Yasujiro Wada 3 2017-2019 486 233 253 .479 3rd 4th 0 0
Joe Ward 1 2031-2031 162 78 84 .481 2nd 2nd 0 0
Anthony Weinstein 2 2038-2039 324 156 168 .481 3rd 5th 0 0
Rod Werrett 2 2041-2042 324 128 196 .395 6th 6th 0 0
Dave White 2 2012-2013 324 147 177 .454 4th 6th 0 0
Lowell Wise 6 2014-2033 810 415 395 .512 1st 6th 1 0
Stu Yarbrough 9 2040-2044 781 438 343 .561 1st 5th 2 1
Mauro Zapata 5 2012-2017 810 376 434 .464 2nd 6th 0 0
Héctor Zúñiga 2 2051-2052 324 161 163 .497 2nd 4th 0 0
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Monday, June 17th , 2024 - OOTP Baseball 25.5 Build 67