BNN Stats: Starting Pitching Rookie Leaders
Monday, November 14th , 2061
So, which rookie starting pitchers are leading the ROOKIE LEAGUE in WHIP?
Chris Adair, SYL, 0.89 Ethan Jenkins, ALB, 0.89 Eddie Warren, SYL, 0.90 John Cochrane, SAV, 0.93 Bo Ferguson, MAR, 0.95
BNN Stats: Batting Leaders
Monday, October 31st , 2061
So, who leads the ROOKIE LEAGUE in intentional walks?
Jason Craig, VIC, 4 Mike Devine, CHI, 4 Raul Gomez, CAR, 4 Tadao Kaku, ELI, 4 Chris McKinney, BRO, 4
BNN Stats: Active Career Batting Leaders
Monday, October 24th , 2061
So, who is the active leader in the ROOKIE LEAGUE in career caught stealing?
Tucker Yarde, REN, 75 Danny Mariotti, -, 70 Cory Stamatakos, -, 69 Dave Hunt, WVI, 54 Ricky Mendez, WVI, 49