Un-four-gettable: Pinches Hits for Cycle
Saturday, July 13th, 2024
5 hits is a great day for any player, but when they come in four different denominations, that's a cycle -- a rarity by baseball's standards. Oliver Pinches had a single, double, triple and home run for the San Antonio Storm Troopers and led them to a 14-7 decision over Madison at The Hive with 3 runs scored and 5 runs batted in.
Oliver Pinches hit a two-run single in the 1st, doubled in the 4th, hit an RBI triple in the 5th, hit a solo-shot off Shoin Matsushina in the 7th and hit an RBI single in the 8th.
Pinches is presently hitting at a .292 pace with 13 home runs, 66 RBIs and has scored 65 times.