TML AA 2025
League History Index | Players | Teams | Managers | Leagues | Leaderboards | Awards | Accomplishments
RAA | TAA : Stats & Leaders - Batting Register - Pitching Register - Fielding Register - Positional Leaderboards
Rookies - Drafted Players - Transactions Log - Injury Log
Bryan Battle 2025-2026 120 428 61 97 13 3 15 80 16 5 66 145 .227 .335 .376 .711
Pete Bradshaw 2025-2025 6 6 0 3 2 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 .500 .667 .833 1.500
Dave Braun 2025-2025 45 169 20 44 15 1 3 20 0 0 23 40 .260 .352 .414 .767
Zach Breeding 2025-2029 129 323 55 75 11 0 19 55 1 1 67 93 .232 .365 .443 .808
Luis Castillo 2025-2030 168 544 76 138 28 4 14 77 0 0 58 126 .254 .330 .397 .727
Toby Chave 2025-2028 143 501 93 154 29 1 29 120 2 2 73 104 .307 .391 .543 .934
Patrick Childs 2025-2027 101 291 40 95 10 1 0 29 18 10 25 33 .326 .385 .368 .752
Al Courtney 2025-2030 271 838 168 238 50 2 25 128 10 2 147 247 .284 .413 .438 .851
Keith Dalley 2025-2025 129 440 71 116 17 7 9 42 23 12 84 113 .264 .386 .395 .781
Douglas Dannattet 2025-2026 82 289 79 83 15 0 12 62 1 0 89 83 .287 .459 .464 .922
Addy de Zeeuw 2025-2038 170 604 96 167 24 0 21 92 1 0 95 165 .276 .380 .421 .800
Jesús Dela 2025-2025 77 260 45 68 11 0 10 42 0 0 44 56 .262 .382 .419 .801
Dante Deleón 2025-2026 75 204 47 77 22 1 10 49 0 0 47 40 .377 .492 .642 1.135
Gonzalo Fernández 2025-2027 170 501 77 144 30 0 19 86 2 1 49 126 .287 .354 .461 .815
Roberto Flores 2025-2026 211 754 83 204 29 1 20 107 2 4 68 162 .271 .339 .391 .730
Bob Franklin 2025-2028 116 333 33 69 9 1 4 33 0 0 46 89 .207 .322 .276 .598
Misao Fujii 2025-2032 258 811 118 186 36 4 23 126 5 3 140 238 .229 .350 .369 .719
Reynaldo González 2025-2030 96 113 18 31 8 1 1 14 10 2 21 30 .274 .393 .389 .782
Drew Green 2025-2028 87 269 31 71 15 1 4 26 9 8 33 55 .264 .343 .372 .715
Billy Greer 2025-2025 34 75 14 18 5 0 3 16 0 0 26 29 .240 .441 .427 .868
Don Hamilton 2025-2026 34 36 5 7 3 0 0 5 0 0 7 15 .194 .326 .278 .603
Bill Hawken 2025-2027 240 740 113 213 30 1 20 129 0 2 125 154 .288 .400 .412 .812
Masujiro Hayagawa 2025-2033 519 1940 304 510 75 8 64 285 17 17 224 562 .263 .345 .409 .754
Luis Hernández 2025-2025 54 137 20 46 6 5 1 9 13 4 18 23 .336 .425 .474 .899
Masaharu Higashi 2024-2026 137 475 90 131 22 0 19 83 0 0 68 101 .276 .381 .442 .823
José Ibarra 2025-2025 57 185 44 68 11 1 14 39 7 1 19 47 .368 .426 .665 1.091
Kuma Ichihara 2025-2032 106 347 53 98 19 0 7 44 0 0 52 83 .282 .375 .398 .772
Juan Jaramillo 2025-2034 59 228 39 85 10 2 4 37 9 7 31 41 .373 .451 .487 .938
Kai Jolliffe 2025-2032 285 896 125 218 37 8 11 94 37 23 148 274 .243 .355 .339 .694
Joe Kennedy 2025-2025 13 39 9 12 0 0 3 7 2 1 7 11 .308 .417 .538 .955
Hoang Kieu 2025-2034 381 1279 213 340 43 8 28 177 67 21 207 266 .266 .373 .378 .751
Hae-nim Kim 2025-2027 261 897 107 262 70 1 12 111 1 4 100 210 .292 .375 .412 .787
Hyeon-cheong Ko 2025-2027 293 1122 168 331 46 13 5 117 70 27 81 217 .295 .353 .373 .726
Kimi Kokura 2025-2034 257 878 120 207 54 1 37 142 1 0 162 301 .236 .364 .426 .790
Michael Krause 2025-2027 333 1257 194 362 70 10 20 160 85 38 158 291 .288 .370 .407 .778
Alex Lontok 2025-2025 127 503 60 147 31 8 8 64 12 11 66 84 .292 .379 .433 .812
Augusto Majana 2025-2029 357 1228 169 310 51 12 33 197 23 26 164 382 .252 .353 .394 .747
Camden Mansel 2025-2027 300 1147 191 309 58 9 34 168 9 11 172 347 .269 .366 .425 .791
Giampaolo Marcovicci 2025-2027 331 1024 181 267 46 9 23 137 78 41 176 243 .261 .376 .391 .766
Pedro Martínez 2025-2028 146 501 70 131 30 3 17 81 1 1 95 167 .261 .379 .435 .814
Dennis Mayne 2025-2026 100 259 36 66 8 0 2 29 12 11 56 51 .255 .390 .309 .699
Aftab Mengal 2025-2027 169 552 76 130 30 1 21 64 0 0 122 168 .236 .376 .408 .784
Joseph Mitchell 2025-2025 98 314 59 108 3 3 9 45 4 1 60 50 .344 .453 .459 .911
Dave Morton 2025-2026 89 222 34 68 17 4 3 34 6 2 45 46 .306 .423 .459 .883
Roy Nichols 2025-2028 84 201 39 73 12 2 3 33 12 4 29 29 .363 .441 .488 .928
Anastasio Ocampo 2025-2028 159 550 102 175 32 1 17 102 4 1 95 80 .318 .431 .473 .904
Jae-hoon Park 2025-2025 150 561 92 149 40 2 9 81 2 4 101 110 .266 .381 .392 .773
Bailey Povey 2025-2033 424 1308 192 347 57 4 53 209 2 0 201 327 .265 .377 .437 .813
Juan Carlos Ramos 2025-2027 103 332 30 86 20 2 5 34 0 0 28 96 .259 .327 .377 .703
Bryce Rice 2025-2027 139 523 67 148 25 5 3 54 41 20 31 111 .283 .331 .367 .698
Bernard Richard 2025-2027 376 1255 170 366 68 2 30 167 0 0 146 203 .292 .367 .421 .788
Mateo Rivera 2025-2025 155 527 61 127 33 8 3 44 19 10 31 144 .241 .292 .351 .644
Víctor Sandoval 2025-2030 217 831 143 243 35 4 37 138 41 11 75 152 .292 .355 .478 .833
Toshikazu Sato 2025-2029 195 635 108 149 23 4 18 86 17 13 111 210 .235 .354 .369 .722
Júlio Solís 2025-2027 306 1211 168 329 74 9 22 166 53 38 77 287 .272 .319 .402 .721
César Soto 2025-2026 93 286 62 100 31 2 11 68 1 1 57 49 .350 .452 .587 1.040
Harry Stevens 2025-2027 156 394 58 116 15 9 3 48 31 10 62 62 .294 .391 .401 .792
Ellis Stockdale 2025-2026 180 613 112 163 22 7 12 77 40 20 94 149 .266 .368 .383 .751
Ruberto Sucena 2025-2037 173 590 92 156 41 5 23 102 11 5 75 217 .264 .361 .468 .829
Tokuhei Taniguchi 2025-2026 208 787 114 196 61 3 14 116 3 5 122 222 .249 .348 .388 .736
Tadasu Toyota 2025-2030 87 222 48 60 10 1 4 34 13 4 89 54 .270 .483 .378 .861
Roberto Trevino 2025-2027 175 624 88 150 42 3 13 87 19 6 110 175 .240 .361 .380 .741
Ernest Vance 2025-2025 12 14 2 5 1 0 1 6 0 0 3 2 .357 .444 .643 1.087
António Villarreal 2025-2028 150 495 73 120 29 5 16 71 26 6 68 145 .242 .337 .418 .755
Rhys Wallace 2025-2028 319 1025 176 240 41 12 22 139 34 20 177 326 .234 .349 .362 .711
Hafiz Wattu 2025-2025 77 287 46 86 14 5 2 31 17 7 23 40 .300 .354 .404 .758
Chris Werner 2025-2029 347 1196 170 341 70 16 20 156 45 22 153 312 .285 .377 .421 .798
Sean Witter 2025-2027 196 656 71 155 20 1 5 59 3 9 93 217 .236 .333 .293 .626
Yo Yamamoto 2025-2032 280 663 99 156 21 2 37 138 1 1 100 224 .235 .335 .440 .775
Kosaku Yasuda 2025-2032 274 996 140 242 72 4 27 149 1 0 170 240 .243 .360 .405 .764
Hyun-soo Yi 2025-2027 182 576 79 158 26 7 11 76 22 12 87 127 .274 .372 .401 .773
Carlos Alejándrez 2025-2028 8 6 .571 3.40 111 0 0 0 3 201.0 188 76 23 84 195
Abdul-Fattah Arfan 2025-2030 17 11 .607 3.68 211 0 0 0 28 239.2 221 98 11 74 234
Sigfrid Arnim 2025-2030 11 24 .314 5.26 82 79 0 0 1 326.2 370 191 33 168 290
Pin-zhen Au 2025-2025 4 5 .444 4.25 49 0 0 0 23 48.2 38 23 8 32 56
Barend Bilderbeek 2025-2034 10 10 .500 3.02 55 29 0 0 2 193.2 151 65 7 113 181
John Black 2025-2033 15 16 .484 5.48 142 13 0 0 12 205.1 244 125 14 107 191
Evan Blandford 2025-2034 39 36 .520 4.29 245 78 0 0 10 575.1 565 274 49 320 562
Bruce Brown 2025-2029 16 24 .400 5.13 59 57 0 0 0 303.2 326 173 34 133 251
Fred Campbell 2025-2030 4 29 .121 6.63 46 45 0 0 0 232.0 276 171 35 144 187
Arnaud Durand 2025-2026 14 7 .667 3.62 28 28 1 0 0 161.2 171 65 11 52 144
Dan Edwards 2025-2037 15 15 .500 4.42 73 43 0 0 1 283.1 257 139 23 162 264
Jack English 2025-2025 1 1 .500 3.56 19 0 0 0 0 30.1 36 12 3 6 13
Carlos Estrada 2025-2026 12 2 .857 2.89 25 23 1 0 0 131.0 119 42 12 57 130
Kevin Everhart 2025-2034 38 35 .521 4.57 122 114 0 0 1 641.2 672 326 64 171 557
Florent Fontaine 2025-2027 15 24 .385 5.34 89 61 0 0 5 354.0 415 210 26 189 271
Gerardo Garza 2025-2038 16 13 .552 3.20 191 0 0 0 36 264.2 218 94 18 105 274
Albert Giles 2025-2034 5 11 .312 3.26 103 0 0 0 10 94.0 78 34 10 43 93
Curt Goff 2025-2027 16 10 .615 4.50 41 40 0 0 0 212.0 239 106 24 71 192
Daryl Harrison 2025-2027 35 12 .745 3.56 115 45 0 0 40 346.0 300 137 27 134 371
Ken Heida 2025-2028 0 1 .000 4.11 5 5 0 0 0 30.2 30 14 5 8 24
Barrett Jackson 2025-2028 5 2 .714 3.76 55 0 0 0 2 79.0 70 33 6 35 76
Chris Johnson 2025-2025 7 4 .636 2.63 30 17 0 0 1 116.1 83 34 4 58 126
Paul Johnston 2025-2026 18 12 .600 3.89 44 44 0 0 0 233.2 246 101 26 58 210
Gerard Kotas 2025-2035 17 19 .472 4.11 53 51 0 0 1 291.0 313 133 30 109 237
Shunji Kurota 2025-2029 12 13 .480 4.47 104 40 0 0 11 281.2 275 140 24 121 224
Khalid Legras 2025-2026 5 8 .385 4.68 69 0 0 0 16 73.0 74 38 5 39 62
Rick MacLellan 2025-2027 4 8 .333 3.79 116 0 0 0 17 140.0 122 59 3 77 148
Juan Manuel 2025-2025 4 1 .800 1.28 47 0 0 0 28 49.1 34 7 4 16 48
Eduardo Marino 2025-2025 6 7 .462 3.48 22 22 0 0 0 134.1 114 52 12 53 132
Steve McBryde 2025-2026 10 4 .714 3.43 32 16 0 0 3 112.2 86 43 6 58 122
Cory McCoy 2025-2028 11 32 .256 5.68 77 75 1 0 0 388.0 458 245 42 151 299
Jun Nakayama 2025-2026 18 19 .486 5.18 54 54 2 1 0 288.1 287 166 22 161 232
Thomas Nicolle 2025-2025 0 0 .000 1.42 6 0 0 0 0 6.1 3 1 0 3 4
Russell Numbers 2025-2032 15 18 .455 3.86 80 61 0 0 3 392.0 353 168 38 197 462
Juan Núñez 2025-2030 7 19 .269 6.19 136 0 0 0 51 129.1 145 89 10 104 156
Hi-yuan Pan 2025-2026 4 16 .200 7.60 26 24 0 0 0 113.2 156 96 15 77 100
Bart Pettifer 2025-2025 0 0 .000 4.15 7 0 0 0 0 13.0 18 6 0 3 9
Juan Pérez 2025-2025 14 5 .737 2.62 28 26 0 0 0 158.0 124 46 7 59 130
Tai Quian 2025-2034 11 13 .458 3.27 163 0 0 0 54 231.1 200 84 21 86 281
Kirk Redman 2025-2028 6 1 .857 1.56 54 0 0 0 29 63.1 32 11 4 14 86
Jackson Thompson 2025-2034 3 5 .375 5.65 48 4 0 0 4 79.2 94 50 5 31 59
Pepe Trevino 2025-2027 24 24 .500 4.34 76 76 1 0 0 423.1 394 204 42 207 482
Vicente Valenzuela 2025-2026 6 1 .857 5.00 43 0 0 0 1 45.0 51 25 4 24 41
Iván Vázquez 2025-2026 9 6 .600 2.61 75 0 0 0 4 107.0 89 31 4 33 127
Jian-cheng Wang 2025-2033 31 14 .689 4.13 353 0 0 0 47 381.0 328 175 30 229 395
Jiro Watanabe 2025-2034 24 33 .421 5.60 298 52 0 0 21 561.1 638 349 64 327 470
Yo Watanabe 2025-2028 12 10 .545 4.30 38 38 0 0 0 186.1 170 89 6 138 160
Dylan Wilson 2025-2030 21 17 .553 3.36 266 1 0 0 49 332.1 289 124 16 174 392
Manabu Yamauchi 2025-2033 28 62 .311 6.14 219 117 1 0 6 765.1 819 522 94 502 630
Juan Zorros 2025-2027 18 23 .439 4.92 52 51 0 0 0 269.0 285 147 30 158 251
121 Players
Powered by: Out of the Park Developments, Out of the Park Baseball, Franchise Hockey Manager
Saturday, January 4th , 2025 - OOTP Baseball 25.11 Build 100