a - A. Espinosa pinch hit for R. Santamaria in the 4th
b - M. Lewelling pinch hit for Z. Li in the 5th
c - A. Santos pinch hit for E. Cooke in the 5th
d - E. Zarate substituted for Q. Littlejohn in the 5th
e - Y. Hamamoto pinch hit for J. Bahamon in the 6th
f - T. Squarebriggs substituted for C. Arevalo in the 6th
g - I. Velasquez inserted as DH in the 7th
Z. Li
(1, 1st Inning off M. Lanham, 1 on, 0 outs)
E. Zarate
(2, 8th Inning off D. Gonzalez, 0 on, 1 out)
Home Runs:
E. Zarate
(1, 6th Inning off E. Reichel, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
R. Santamaria
Z. Li
C. Arevalo
T. Squarebriggs
Q. Littlejohn
E. Zarate
E. Mettlen
T. Elizondo
2-out RBI:
Q. Littlejohn
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
A. Espinosa
Q. Littlejohn
E. Zarate
E. Mettlen
Team LOB:
E. Mettlen
Y. Fischer
M. Lewelling
T. Elizondo
a - S. Benitez substituted for A. Bonscott in the 5th
b - R. Albert pinch hit for C. Keefe in the 5th
c - C. Lewis substituted for J. Yurick in the 6th
d - M. Avalos substituted for B. Shaw in the 6th
e - M. Herra substituted for R. Albert in the 6th
f - S. Carpenter pinch hit for J. Camacho in the 6th
g - J. Cardenas pinch hit for J. Conter in the 6th
h - K. Waga substituted for B. Trulson in the 7th
i - J. Ehrhardt inserted as DH in the 7th
j - L. Liao pinch hit for S. Beddall in the 7th
k - J. Moe substituted for C. Lewis in the 8th
l - B. Garay substituted for S. Carpenter in the 8th
m - J. Russell pinch hit for K. Waga in the 9th
n - C. Donohue pinch hit for S. Benitez in the 9th
M. Avalos
(1, 6th Inning off B. Hubacek, 0 on, 2 outs)
Total Bases:
S. Beddall
L. Liao
A. Bonscott
M. Avalos
B. Trulson
2-out RBI:
S. Beddall
C. Lewis
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
S. Benitez
S. Carpenter
J. Cardenas
Hit by Pitch:
J. Conter
Team LOB:
L. Liao
J. Conter
M. Herra
S. Beddall
J. Camacho
Double Plays:
1 (Gonzalez-Beddall)