a - M. Edwards pinch hit for C. Romanko in the 5th
b - D. Alicea pinch hit for G. Johnson in the 5th
c - M. Miller pinch hit for A. Willer in the 5th
d - D. Bautista pinch hit for C. Jaeger in the 5th
e - M. Richie pinch hit for K. Arai in the 5th
f - J. Quinones pinch hit for J. Martin in the 5th
g - S. Hayden substituted for J. Barrier in the 7th
h - M. Edwards inserted as DH in the 9th
C. Jaeger
(5, 2nd Inning off M. Ortner, 1 on, 1 out)
J. Jones
(5, 3rd Inning off M. Ortner, 0 on, 1 out)
S. Frank
(1, 5th Inning off G. Velazquez, 3 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
C. Jaeger
J. Martin
C. Romanko
M. Edwards
G. Johnson
D. Alicea
J. Jones
S. Frank
M. Miller
J. Barrier
2-out RBI:
J. Martin
J. Jones
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Quinones
C. Romanko
S. Frank
A. Willer
Sac Fly:
J. Jones
Hit by Pitch:
D. Bautista
J. Jones
Team LOB:
M. Edwards
2 (3)
a - J. Wheeler pinch hit for B. Banuelos in the 4th
b - C. Gould pinch hit for M. Delagrange in the 5th
c - D. Fernandez inserted as DH in the 5th
d - R. Dobesh substituted for M. Klar in the 6th
e - R. Martinez substituted for L. Gallardo in the 6th
f - T. Hearn substituted for W. Hagner in the 6th
g - X. Ray pinch hit for E. Gomez in the 6th
h - S. Ward pinch hit for J. van den Heuvel in the 6th
i - A. Perez pinch hit for T. Hearn in the 8th
L. Gallardo
(7, 1st Inning off E. Galloza, 0 on, 0 outs)
J. van den Heuvel
(4, 2nd Inning off E. Galloza, 0 on, 1 out)
Total Bases:
L. Gallardo
B. Banuelos
W. Hagner
J. van den Heuvel
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
B. Banuelos
J. Wheeler
E. Gomez
M. Klar
Sac Fly:
J. Quero
Team LOB:
J. van den Heuvel