a - J. Torres pinch hit for C. Gaudet in the 5th
b - M. Uribe pinch hit for C. Millar in the 5th
c - D. Youngberg pinch hit for J. Bye in the 5th
d - J. Mabe substituted for D. Youngberg in the 5th
e - S. Bridgman substituted for J. Hicks in the 5th
f - L. Milligan substituted for S. Aultz in the 5th
g - J. Thomason substituted for S. Lucero in the 5th
h - M. Kota inserted as DH in the 6th
i - S. Eggert pinch hit for M. Maciel in the 7th
j - D. Hernandez pinch hit for J. Thomason in the 7th
k - A. Dortillo pinch hit for J. Torres in the 7th
l - D. Pellot substituted for D. Hernandez in the 7th
m - S. Scott pinch hit for J. Mabe in the 8th
n - J. Fregeau pinch hit for S. Bridgman in the 8th
o - J. Monroy substituted for S. Scott in the 8th
p - B. Hogan pinch hit for S. Eggert in the 9th
q - B. Benjamin pinch hit for M. Uribe in the 9th
r - A. Aleman pinch hit for L. Michaels in the 9th
s - C. Berry substituted for B. Hogan in the 9th
t - B. Herrera substituted for A. Aleman in the 9th
Total Bases:
C. Gaudet
C. Millar
J. Hicks
S. Bridgman
M. Kota
L. Milligan
M. Maciel
S. Eggert
B. Hogan
S. Lucero
2-out RBI:
S. Lucero
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
C. Gaudet
A. Aleman
M. Kota
Sac Fly:
A. Dortillo
Hit by Pitch:
A. Dortillo
M. Uribe
S. Gillin
Team LOB:
L. Michaels
a - J. Wheeler pinch hit for B. Banuelos in the 4th
b - M. Klar substituted for J. Araque in the 5th
c - P. Rivera substituted for C. Gould in the 5th
d - R. Dobesh pinch hit for M. Delagrange in the 5th
e - R. Martinez pinch hit for E. Gomez in the 5th
f - W. Hagner pinch hit for S. Ward in the 5th
g - J. van den Heuvel substituted for L. Gallardo in the 6th
h - T. Hearn substituted for X. Ray in the 6th
i - D. Fernandez inserted as DH in the 7th
j - A. Perez pinch hit for J. van den Heuvel in the 9th
L. Gallardo
(5, 4th Inning off J. Solano, 2 on, 2 outs)
Home Runs:
P. Rivera
(2, 6th Inning off J. DuBose, 0 on, 0 outs)
A. Perez
(1, 9th Inning off T. Cedrone, 0 on, 0 outs)
Total Bases:
L. Gallardo
A. Perez
R. Dobesh
J. Quero
X. Ray
J. Araque
S. Ward
C. Gould
P. Rivera
2-out RBI:
L. Gallardo
Runners left in scoring position, 2 outs:
J. Wheeler
E. Gomez
W. Hagner
Sac Fly:
R. Martinez
Hit by Pitch:
X. Ray
Team LOB:
Double Plays:
1 (van den Heuvel-Martinez-Wheeler)